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Re-Entering Medical Practice Or Changing Scope Of Practice

Standard of Practice

Under Review: No Issued by Council: January 1, 2010

  1. A regulated member must notify the College when the regulated member intends to return to medical practice after an absence or retirement of three (3) years or more.
  2. A regulated member who is returning to medical practice after an absence or retirement of three (3) years or more must undergo a review by the Registrar and may be required to complete an assessment and retraining satisfactory to the Registrar prior to returning to medical practice.
  3. A regulated member who intends to substantially change his or her medical practice by adding medical services which the regulated member has not provided on a frequent or continuous basis over the previous three (3) years:
    1. must notify the Registrar;
    2. must provide documentary evidence satisfactory to the Registrar attesting to the acquisition of training, experience, and/or competence to perform the proposed change in medical services; and
    3. may be required to complete an assessment and training or retraining satisfactory to the Registrar prior to initiating the proposed change in medical services.

About the Standards of Practice

The CPSA Standards of Practice are the minimum standards of professional behaviour and ethical conduct expected of all physicians registered in Alberta. Standards of practice are enforceable under the Health Professions Act and will be referenced in the management of complaints and in discipline hearings.


For questions or archived standards, policies and guidelines contact our Standards of Practice Advisor.

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