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Upcoming release of version 4 (v4) Diagnostic Imaging Accreditation Standards (including teleradiology)

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Accreditation, January Messenger 2024 | Posted January 18, 2024
Read time: 1 minute

CPSA is excited to announce that on Jan. 31, 2024, version 4 (v4) of the Diagnostic Imaging Accreditation Standards (including teleradiology) will be released, along with an accompanying guidance and information document.

Further information will be available through the CPSA Accreditation program webpage and additional details will be directly communicated with current accredited diagnostic imaging facility Medical Directors and Zone Clinical Leads.

CPSA Diagnostic Imaging Accreditation Standards are based on input from field experts and users of diagnostic imaging services as well as research and best practices from other regulators, standard setting-bodies and industry associations. Our standards are recognized and accredited by the International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua), an internationally respected accreditation body.

Though there have been many revisions throughout the (v4) standards, many are administrative or purely clinical in nature and will require little change to actual policies, processes and procedures in place. If an existing accredited facility is looking to add a new modality to their repertoire, the application will be vetted using (v4) criteria.

All new standards and/or revisions to current standards will need to be taken into consideration by current accredited imaging facilities and new imaging facility applications.

We would like to thank all stakeholders who participated in numerous broad provincial stakeholder surveys—your feedback was invaluable throughout the revision process. A special thank you to all CPSA committees involved (Advisory Committee on Diagnostic Imaging, Medical Facility Accreditation Committee and CPSA Council) for their tireless efforts in guiding the revisions to ensure equitable, safe and quality diagnostic imaging services to all Albertans.

CPSA’s Diagnostic Imaging Accreditation program looks forward to working with existing and new imaging facilities in achieving (v4) standard compliance. Stay tuned for more information following the release of the (v4) standards at the end of the month.

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