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Statement: MCC QEII exam concerns

Physicians | Posted May 20, 2021

CPSA is aware of the issues some resident physicians are facing with the MCC exams and is monitoring this situation carefully.  We recognize how much time and effort is invested into preparing for this pivotal examination and are sorry to learn some residents have had very challenging experiences.

Although the facilitation of the MCC exams falls outside CPSA’s purview, the negative experiences resident physicians have shared with CPSA are important and we will bring this feedback forward in CPSA’s future conversations about these examinations. We are also going to share this feedback with our contacts at MCC.

CPSA understands other provinces have modified their licensing requirements related to the MCC exams during the pandemic; however, CPSA has not made the decision to do the same at this time. CPSA still offers a path to independent practice through the Provisional Register to graduating residents whose access to MCC QEII may be delayed past the end of residency due to either an incomplete QEII or deferred scheduling.


CPSA contact:

Jessica McPhee
Director, Communications

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