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Professional Conduct reports – January 2023

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Discipline Decisions, January Messenger 2023 | Posted January 19, 2023
Read time: 3 minutes

Dr. Gaylord Wardell sanctioned for unprofessional conduct

Dr. Gaylord Wardell of Medicine Hat has been sanctioned by a CPSA Hearing Tribunal after he was found guilty of unprofessional conduct.


Dr. Wardell was accused of failing to comply with three CPSA Standards of Practice in his provision of patient care in 2017: Cannabis for Medical Purposes, Referral Consultation and Telemedicine (now Virtual Care). In their February 2022 merits decision, the Tribunal agreed Dr. Wardell was not fully compliant with the Cannabis for Medical Purposes standard. The charges pertaining to the other standards were found unproven and dismissed.

The Hearing Tribunal reconvened in October 2022 to determine Dr. Wardell’s sanction. A joint submission from both parties was accepted and the Tribunal ordered the following:

  • Wardell will receive a reprimand.
  • On a quarterly basis for 12 months, Dr. Wardell’s authorizations for cannabis for medical purposes will be monitored by CPSA’s Physician Health Monitoring Program.
  • Wardell is responsible for 20% of the costs of the investigation and hearing.

The Tribunal’s full decisions on both merits and sanction can be reviewed on CPSA’s website.


CPSA’s Standards of Practice are the minimum standards of professionalism and patient care expected of physicians practising medicine in Alberta. Covering over 40 topics (ranging from prescribing to patient records to boundary violations), standards are enforceable under the Health Professions Act (HPA) and often used in complaints resolution and disciplinary hearings. Physicians and physician assistants are responsible for being aware of the standards and ensuring they are met in their practice. When Albertans seek treatment, they should be confident they will receive consistent, high-quality care.

Visit our website to learn more about the standards and how to access support and ask questions if needed.


Dr. Carey Johnson found not guilty of unprofessional conduct

A CPSA Hearing Tribunal found Dr. Carey Johnson, a pediatrician from Calgary, not guilty of unprofessional conduct.


Dr. Johnson was accused of demonstrating a lack of skill and judgement while caring for a patient in 2015, including failing to take an adequate history, failing to perform an adequate physical examination and prematurely discharging the patient from the emergency room.

After considering the testimony presented at the hearing and reviewing the evidence, the Tribunal found the allegations against Dr. Johnson had not been proven and did not agree that Dr. Johnson had engaged in unprofessional conduct.

The Tribunal’s decision can be reviewed in full on CPSA’s website.


Calgary’s Dr. Hasan Hafiz sanctioned for unprofessional conduct

Calgary general practitioner Dr. Hasan Hafiz was sanctioned by a CPSA Hearing Tribunal after he was found guilty of unprofessional conduct.


Over a period of two years, Dr. Hafiz failed to respond to CPSA about a complaint and investigation into his conduct, and concerns with his medical practice.

Dr. Hafiz did not attend either the merits or sanctions hearing and has not been in practice since October 2020. After considering a sanction submission from CPSA’s Complaints Director, the Hearing Tribunal ordered the following:

  • Hafiz will receive a reprimand.
  • Before his practice permit can be reinstated, Dr. Hafiz must successfully complete a professionalism course and undergo a competence assessment at his own cost.
  • Upon reinstatement of his practice permit, Dr. Hafiz must engage and fully cooperate with CPSA’s Continuing Competence department and any remedial directions provided to him, at his own cost.
  • Hafiz is responsible for the full costs of the investigation and hearing to a maximum of $10,000, payable within 24 months of being served with a copy of the Hearing Tribunal’s decision.

The Tribunal’s written decisions on both merits and sanction can be found on CPSA’s website.


It is CPSA’s responsibility to ensure competence and high-quality medical practise from regulated members. It is also a regulated member’s responsibility to engage with CPSA as requested and respond to correspondence and inquiries in a timely manner—failing to do so calls into question CPSA’s ability to regulate the medical profession and could lead to a loss of trust from the public.

CPSA has several programs and tools, through which we engage with physicians to ensure patients receive excellent care. Find out more about CPSA’s Competence programs.

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