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Professional Conduct reports August 2021

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August Messenger 2021, Discipline Decisions | Posted August 12, 2021
Read time: 2 minutes

Dr. Sveta Silverman receives suspension for unprofessional conduct

Dr. Sveta Silverman, an anatomical pathologist from Edmonton, has been found guilty of unprofessional conduct by a hearing tribunal.


Over the course of 2016 and 2017, Dr. Silverman inappropriately accessed Netcare health records for someone who wasn’t her patient, provided advice and referrals regarding complementary and alternative medical treatment without approval, and provided advice that was contradictory and belittling toward the treatment plan and physician advice the patient was receiving at the Cross Cancer Institute.

The hearing tribunal ordered Dr. Silverman’s practice permit be suspended for three months, reduced to one month if she provides a written apology to both the patient’s family and the physician from the Cross Cancer Institute. If Dr. Silverman receives an additional credible complaint regarding a similar issue within the next five years, the hearing tribunal may then determine she must serve the balance of the suspension.

In addition, Dr. Silverman must participate in and unconditionally pass the CPEP PROBE course, at her own cost, and is responsible for 75 per cent of the costs of the investigation and hearing (totaling $14,569.29).


Physicians hold a unique position of trust within society and are expected to act in their patient’s best interest while abiding by the Health Professions Act and Code of Ethics & Professionalism. Accessing and providing information based off of Netcare records for someone who isn’t a patient directly contravenes this trust and responsibility. In addition, providing advice and referrals that are outside of a physician’s scope of practice, and are disparaging toward the treatment and advice being given by the patient’s main healthcare provider, poses a significant risk to both the integrity of the profession and the patient.


Dr. Keith Martin sanctioned for unprofessional conduct

In March, a CPSA hearing tribunal found Dr. Keith Martin, a Family Physician from Slave Lake, guilty of unprofessional conduct.


Stemming from 2016, Dr. Martin admitted to inappropriately biting the upper arm of a nurse and using the phrase, “uterus, I need a uterus” on occasion when calling for a nurse to serve as a chaperone during examinations with a female patient.

The hearing tribunal has ordered Dr. Martin receive a reprimand and a one-month suspension of his practice permit, with the suspension to be held in abeyance pending his completion of a course on ethics and professionalism. Dr. Martin is also responsible for paying two-thirds of the costs of the investigation and hearing (totalling $26,974.33).


Both patients and staff have the right to feel safe in care spaces and Dr. Martin’s admitted conduct completely disregarded his co-workers’ right to feel safe and respected, and to be treated as respected and valued healthcare professionals.

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