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Only three weeks left to renew

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December Messenger 2021, Physician Assistants, Physicians | Posted December 9, 2021
Read time: 2 minutes

2022 renewal for physicians & PAs is due Dec. 31

If you still need to renew, please set aside time in your calendar before Dec. 31, 2021, to:

  • Complete Part 2 of required patient relations training;
  • Complete your renewal form(s); and
  • Pay your fees, unless you enrolled in CPSA’s pre-authorized payment plan before the Nov. 24 deadline.

Not sure if your 2022 renewal is complete? Log in to CPSA’s portal to see what is outstanding. Please see the image below of what to expect. Note: you will only see professional corporation information form (PCIF) links if you are the designated physician of a professional corporation.


A screenshot of the CPSA Physician Portal listing requirements for the Annual Renewal 2022.


IMPORTANT – Not seeing renewal information in CPSA’s Portal?

Some regulated members are not seeing the renewal links in the portal, or only see gray boxes. If this applies to you:

1) You may be using the Internet Explorer browser—this browser is NOT supported in CPSA’s portal. Please use another browser, like Google Chrome, and allow a few seconds for your customized information to load.

2) You may have completed your patient relations training and renewal forms but have an outstanding payment. Please contact annual.billing@cpsa.ab.ca for assistance.


We want to help you avoid late renewal fees.

Here are a few reminders and tips to help you complete your renewal by Dec. 31, 2021:

  • This year’s renewal will take longer than usual. Allow extra time to complete Part 2 of required patient relations training. Also, have all your professional addresses nearby, as you will need to re-enter them in the 2022 renewal information form (RIF) to meet Canada Post formatting standards.
  • You must compete your patient relations training before you’ll have access to your other renewal form(s). If time is tight, after you complete your training, you can return to the portal another day to complete your form(s).
  • If you are the designated physician for a professional corporation, don’t forget to complete the PCIF and pay fees on behalf of all shareholders. Once completed, we’ll post the professional corporation permit and receipt in each shareholder’s practice profile.
  • If you are retiring or withdrawing from practice before 2022, you still need to complete your RIF. Your form will be much shorter and will provide us with necessary contact information.
  • If you are still getting CPSA renewal reminders via email but nothing is listed in the portal, you may have an outstanding payment. Please email billing@cpsa.ab.ca for assistance. If you are seeing gray boxes in the portal when you go to complete your patient relations training or RIF, try using a Google Chrome browser and allow a few seconds for your customized information to load.
  • If you are paying your annual fees by cheque, make sure you allow enough time for mail delivery.
  • CPSA’s office is closed for the holidays from noon Dec. 24, 2021, through Jan. 3, 2022. If you experience problems and cannot complete your annual renewal during the closure, please email billing@cpsa.ab.ca.

Please complete your renewal early to avoid late fees, which are $500 for your practice permit and $200 for your professional corporation permit.

Questions? Email annual.billing@cpsa.ab.ca

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