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Medical Matters – COVID-19: one year later

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COVID-19, March Messenger 2021, Medical Matters | Posted March 11, 2021

We’re now one year into the COVID-19 pandemic and I want to take this opportunity to thank the entire medical profession for all you’ve done over the past year. I know this has been a hard year for many reasons and there isn’t a single physician in the province that has not been impacted in some way, either by the pandemic or other stressors related to practising medicine in Alberta.

I realize we still have a long road ahead of us and I recognize the variant strains of the virus are still significant risk factors, but I believe we’re at a turning point. With the vaccination rollout starting to pick up speed and spring on the way, I think we can all see the light at the end of the tunnel. That being said, this is also a time for great caution and we can’t let our guard down. There is nothing simple about the logistics of vaccinating more than four million people in a short period of time, so it’s important we support all those who are dedicating themselves to this enormous logistical challenge. There will be mistakes and frustrations, but it will happen.

This is also a time for us to stand behind our public health experts more than ever. As physicians, using evidence in our decision making is foundational to our profession. We need to ensure when we provide advice, we use evidence to support our comments. There is a great deal of misinformation out there right now, so be careful to ensure you access the most accurate and reliable information possible. If you’re looking for trustworthy sources, I recommend looking at 19 To Zero and #ScienceUpFirst, which both have their roots in Alberta. These websites are designed to counter the misinformation that is so pervasive in Canada and beyond.

I know we’re not out of the woods yet, but spring is upon us here in Alberta and I think the future will be promising. Thanks again for all you do to look after those in need. Don’t forget to also look after yourselves, your families and your colleagues along the way.


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