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Expanding CPSA’s portal for important registration documents

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December Messenger 2021 | Posted December 9, 2021
Read time: 1 minute

In January 2022, we are expanding CPSA’s portal to include important registration documents, starting with the annual renewal Pre-Cancellation Notice.

If a regulated member misses the Dec. 31, 2021, renewal deadline, they will get an email from CPSA in January pointing them to the portal. We will no longer send the pre-cancellation notice via registered mail.

You will find your notice under Documents. Please be sure to print and/or save your documents to your own secured device, as the system will automatically remove them from the portal on their expiry date.

CPSA has been using the portal to share personal and time-sensitive documents, like complaint information, and MD Snapshot reports, since 2017. Sharing information via the portal keeps your information secure and improves timeliness. It also reduces costs associated with hard copy mail.

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