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Dr. Regan Taylor sanctioned for boundary violation

Hearing Decisions, Media Release | Posted January 5, 2022

Edmonton, AB – Dr. Regan Taylor, a family physician from Calgary, was found guilty of unprofessional conduct by a CPSA hearing tribunal for having a sexual encounter with a patient.

In 2016, Dr. Taylor provided episodic care to a patient who he then met with socially several weeks later, leading to a sexual encounter. This conduct violates CPSA’s standard of practice on sexual boundary violations in place at that time, which stipulates that a physician cannot have any sexual or intimate involvement with a former patient for a period of time after care was last provided, due to the inherent power imbalance between a physician and their patients.

Dr. Taylor admitted to the charges of unprofessional conduct and the hearing tribunal accepted a joint submission on sanction, which includes the following:

  • Dr. Taylor’s practice permit is suspended for six months, with four months to be served and two months held in abeyance pending fulfillment of the tribunal’s remaining orders.
  • Dr. Taylor will, at his expense, undergo an assessment to determine what led to his conduct, the risk of it occurring again and what, if any, therapy or limits on his practice are required.
  • Dr. Taylor must complete a course on boundaries that is approved by CPSA’s Complaints Director.
  • Dr. Taylor is responsible for 75 per cent of the total costs of the hearing and investigation (total still to be determined).

The hearing tribunal’s decision and full order can be reviewed via the link below. As Dr. Taylor’s conduct occurred prior to the implementation of An Act to Protect Patients, sanctions under that legislation do not apply.


CPSA hearing tribunal decision

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