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Dr. ‘Lemi Adebayo sanctioned for unprofessional conduct

Hearing Decisions, Media Release | Posted January 12, 2023

Edmonton, AB – Family physician Dr. ‘Lemi Adebayo of Edmonton was sanctioned by a CPSA Hearing Tribunal after admitting to unprofessional conduct.

Dr. Adebayo was accused of not complying with CPSA’s Charging for Uninsured Professional Services and Patient Record Content standards of practice by failing to adequately account for the fees charged to his patient, failing to ensure his patient understood and accepted the fees that would be charged prior to the uninsured service being provided, failing to record an adequate history and physical examination, and failing to record specific follow-up advice provided to the patient.

Dr. Adebayo admitted to the charges and acknowledged that his actions constituted unprofessional conduct. The Hearing Tribunal accepted a joint submission on sanction and ordered the following:

  • Dr. Adebayo will receive a reprimand.
  • Dr. Adebayo must successfully complete a course on record keeping (has fulfilled this requirement).
  • Dr. Adebayo must provide CPSA’s Complaint’s Director with a written submission reflecting on his conduct, the relevant standards of practice, and how such incidents will be prevented in the future. He must also prepare and provide an office policy and procedure for his practice, to capture changes made as a result of this hearing.
  • Dr. Adebayo is responsible for 50 per cent of the costs of the investigation and hearing.

CPSA Hearing Tribunal decision

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