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Dr. Jung Hwa Lee guilty of improperly accessing health records

Hearing Decisions, Media Release | Posted October 4, 2023

Edmonton, AB – Dr. Jung Hwa Lee, a family physician from Calgary, was found guilty of unprofessional conduct by a CPSA Hearing Tribunal.

In 2020, Dr. Lee was accused of intentionally accessing the personal health record of a patient from her clinic, for whom she had never provided care and without an authorized reason.

Dr. Lee admitted to the allegations, however argued that the circumstances under which her actions occurred when considered in their entirety did not amount to unprofessional conduct. After considering the evidence presented and the circumstances of the case, the Tribunal concluded Dr. Lee exhibited poor judgment and knowingly contravened the Health Information Act, the Health Professions Act (HPA) and CPSA’s Code of Ethics and Professionalism, and that these breaches did rise to the level of unprofessional conduct under the HPA.

The Hearing Tribunal will reconvene at a later date to consider recommendations on sanction.


CPSA Hearing Tribunal decision

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