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Dr. James Watt sanctioned by CPSA Hearing Tribunal

Hearing Decisions, Media Release | Posted February 26, 2025

Edmonton, AB – A CPSA Hearing Tribunal sanctioned diagnostic radiologist Dr. James Watt of Edmonton, after he admitted to unprofessional conduct.

Between January and April 2021, Dr. Watt provided patients with remotely-supervised ultrasound imaging at a diagnostic imaging facility in which he was the medical director, and allowed another radiologist working at the facility to do the same.

Under the Health Professions Act (HPA), a medical director is responsible for the overall operation and administration of their facility, which includes ensuring applicable accreditation standards are followed. CPSA’s accreditation standards for diagnostic imaging facilities require that supervision be done physically on-site by a radiological or imaging specialist, unless the facility is accredited for remote interpretation. The facility Dr. Watt oversaw did not have this accreditation.

Dr. Watt admitted to the allegations and the Hearing Tribunal accepted a joint submission on sanction. Their orders include the following:

  • Dr. Watt will receive a reprimand.
  • At his own cost, Dr. Watt must complete the extended version of the Risk Management Essentials course from PBI Education (an institution offering preventative and remedial education to clinicians).
  • Dr. Watt is responsible for the costs of the investigation and hearing, totaling $20,000.

CPSA Hearing Tribunal decision

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