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Dr. Jacquie McCubbin sanctioned for unprofessional conduct

Hearing Decisions, Media Release | Posted December 17, 2021

Edmonton, AB – Dr. Jacquie McCubbin, an obstetrician and gynecologist from Edmonton, was found guilty of unprofessional conduct by a CPSA hearing tribunal. Dr. McCubbin was charged with not providing the minimum level of expected care to a patient and the patient’s unborn child in 2017.

Dr. McCubbin acknowledged the allegation and after reviewing the evidence, the tribunal accepted her admission of unprofessional conduct along with a joint submission on sanction, and ordered the following:

  • Dr. McCubbin shall receive a reprimand.
  • Dr. McCubbin must take and complete two professional development courses by June 30, 2022 at her own expense, and provide proof of completion of these courses to CPSA’s Complaints Director by Sept. 1, 2022:
    • TeamSTEPPS Canada Essentials, an online course from the Canadian Patient Safety Institute.
    • The Institute for Healthcare Improvement Open School online modules on Quality Improvement and Patient Safety.
  • Dr. McCubbin is also responsible for two-thirds of the costs of the investigation and hearing (final amount to be determined), up to a maximum of $15,000.


CPSA hearing tribunal decision

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