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Dr. De Nguyen guilty of unprofessional conduct

Hearing Decisions, Media Release | Posted June 15, 2023

Edmonton, AB – General practitioner Dr. De Nguyen of Edmonton was found guilty of unprofessional conduct by a CPSA Hearing Tribunal.

It was alleged Dr. Nguyen did not respond to communications from CPSA (letters, emails and phone calls) between 2020 and 2021, about a complaint resulting from his refusal to engage with CPSA’s Continuing Competence program. After considering the evidence, the Tribunal found the allegations were proven and constituted unprofessional conduct.

Dr. Nguyen was not in attendance for the hearing. The Tribunal proceeded in his absence after evidence showed Dr. Nguyen received reasonable and proper notice of the hearing, and confirmed in writing that he did not plan to attend.

The Tribunal will reconvene at a later date to determine sanction. Dr. Nguyen has not been in practice since 2020, when his permit was suspended under section 65 of the Health Professions Act for his refusal to engage with CPSA and respond to concerns about his practice.

CPSA Hearing Tribunal decision
CPSA media release (Oct. 14, 2020)

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