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Dr. Altaf Khumree sanctioned for personal relationship with patient and inappropriate prescribing

Hearing Decisions, Media Release | Posted March 24, 2022

Edmonton, AB – In May 2020, a CPSA Hearing Tribunal found Dr. Altaf Khumree, a general practitioner from Strathmore, guilty of three counts of unprofessional conduct for entering into a sexual relationship with a patient, failing to disclose the relationship to CPSA and on several occasions, inappropriately prescribing himself medication. The sanction hearing was adjourned to allow Dr. Khumree to undergo an assessment that would inform the Hearing Tribunal’s determination of sanction.

The Tribunal reconvened in June 2021 to consider the assessment report and submissions from both parties. The Tribunal issued its written decision in March 2022 and ordered several sanctions, including the following:

  • Dr. Khumree is suspended from practice for six months, with three months to be served and the rest held in abeyance pending compliance with the Tribunal’s remaining orders.
  • Within one year of the decision, Dr. Khumree must complete education on both the interactions of race, culture, medical practice and trauma-informed care, and the impact of personality types on effective interpersonal communications.
  • Dr. Khumree is fined $5,000 and is also responsible for 50 per cent of the investigation and hearing costs (final amount still to be determined).

The Tribunal’s decision and sanctions can be reviewed in full via the links below. As this case predates Bill 21, An Act to Protect Patients, mandatory sanctions under that legislation do not apply.


CPSA Hearing Tribunal decision (sanction)

CPSA media release (June 2020)

CPSA Hearing Tribunal decision

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