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CPSA registration numbers coming soon to cpsa.ca

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April Messenger 2021, Physicians | Posted April 8, 2021

Expect to see CPSA registration numbers published to our website starting April 27

As part of Alberta’s Patient Relations legislation in the Health Professions Act which took effect April 1, 2019, Alberta’s regulatory colleges are required to publish unique identifiers for regulated members on their websites (Health Professions Act Section 135.92(2)(d)). At their May 2019 meeting, CPSA Council passed a bylaw amendment for CPSA to publish a unique identifier—in the form of a CPSA registration number—along with the regulated member’s name on our website’s online register.

Starting April 27, physicians will see their CPSA registration number appear in our physician directory and Find a Physician tool on cpsa.ca.

Why are the changes coming into effect now?

Because physicians can use their CPSA registration number to log in to CPSA’s Physician Portal, proper care had to be taken to ensure the safety and security of documents in the portal. In September 2020, we introduced two-step verification to the Physician Portal on cpsa.ca by asking physicians to create a security question when logging in. Now that two-step verification is fully operational, CPSA must begin publishing CPSA registration numbers to comply with Council’s May 2019 amendments to our bylaws.

Is it safe to post my CPSA registration number?

Yes. Your CPSA registration number has always been public information in accordance with the Health Professions Act. Currently, 60 per cent of Canada’s provincial medical regulatory authorities publish physician registration numbers publically to their websites, and CPSO and CPSBC have not received any reports of inappropriate or fraudulent use of published registration numbers. However, CPSA will monitor for any concerns.

Publishing a unique identifier also helps ensure the correct physician is being identified, particularly when matters of professional conduct are made public.

Questions about this change? Please contact physician.inquiries@cpsa.ab.ca.

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