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CPSA cancels practice permit of Dr. Albert de Villiers

Hearing Decisions, Media Release | Posted September 4, 2024

Edmonton, AB –  A CPSA Hearing Tribunal has ordered the cancellation of the practice permit and registration of Dr. Albert de Villiers.

In 2023, Dr. de Villiers was found guilty by Alberta’s Court of King’s Bench of sexual interference, of a person under the age of 16. Under the Health Professions Act (HPA)contravening another enactment applicable to the profession (in this case, the Criminal Code of Canada) constitutes unprofessional conduct. As such, under section 56 of the HPA, CPSA’s Complaints Director initiated a complaint against Dr. de Villiers after his criminal conviction, and referred the matter for a hearing.

As Dr. de Villiers’ victim was not a patient, mandatory sanctions for sexual abuse under An Act to Protect Patients do not apply in this case. After considering the evidence and arguments presented, the Hearing Tribunal cancelled Dr. de Villiers’ practice permit and registration. He was also ordered to pay 100 per cent of the costs of the investigation and hearing.

Dr. de Villiers is currently incarcerated and his CPSA practice permit has been inactive since 2020.

Resources (trigger/content warning: sexual abuse, sexual language):
CPSA Hearing Tribunal decision
Province of Alberta’s Health Professions Act

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