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An update from the Physician Practice Improvement Program

Competence, Physicians, PPIP | Posted October 21, 2024

Your PPIP cycle is now aligned with your CPD cycle: review your PPIP Report to find out how this will impact you

To help physicians keep track of where they are in their practice improvement journey, CPSA’s Continuing Competence team is pleased to provide physicians with a personalized Physician Practice Improvement Program (PPIP) Report.

This individualized resource captures how many PPIP activities you have completed since the program launched in 2021, based on your responses from past RIFs. This report is for your information only and is not a judgement on your progress in PPIP—we appreciate all that you do to improve in your practice.

Alignment with CPD

When PPIP first launched in 2021, the intention was for all physicians registered at the time to complete their first cycle of three PPIP activities by the end of 2025.

To ease the reporting burden, your PPIP cycle will now align with your continuing professional development (CPD) cycle through your national college. If your current CPD cycle does not end in 2025, the end of your first PPIP cycle will be modified accordingly. Read the article in October’s issue of The Messenger. find out more.

We regret the stress caused when your 2024 PPIP Reports were uploaded into your CPSA Portal and appreciate your patience as we worked to resolve our technical issues.

Questions about PPIP?

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