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2021 Council election results

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Council, November Messenger 2021 | Posted November 10, 2021

Look who’s new and returning to CPSA Council

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The results are in! Congratulations to Dr. Nicole Cardinal and returning Councillor Dr. Jaelene Mannerfeldt.

A woman smiling for a picture. She has brown hair and yellow earrings. Nicole Cardinal is a First Nation physician currently practising in her community of Saddle Lake Cree Nation and St. Paul. She shares a common goal with CPSA: to provide safe care and protect all Albertans. She hopes her work on Council will improve or advocate for safe health care for Alberta’s Indigenous peoples.
A woman with short blonde hair is smiling at the camera. She is wearing a grey sweater and small necklace. Dr. Jaelene Mannerfeldt is an OBGYN physician practising in High River and Calgary. Jaelene is honoured to serve Albertans for a second term on CPSA Council, including serving as Vice-President of Council’s Executive Committee in 2022. She hopes her work with fellow Councillors will continue to ensure physicians work within reasonable standards, so Albertans receive safe, competent, compassionate and skilled medical care.

Our sincerest thank you to all 15 of our nominees and everyone else who took the time to participate by nominating a colleague, joining our meet the nominee event and/or voting! A special thanks to departing Councillor Dr. Jim Stone who served CPSA for 11 years with his insights, knowledge and good nature.

Newly appointed public members
CPSA also welcomes the following public members appointed by Alberta’s Lieutenant-Governor in Council in 2021: Patrick Etokudo, Collin May and Tyler White.

To learn more about all our Councillors, visit cpsa.ca.

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