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Can a postgraduate trainee on the provisional register prescribe medication?

Posted June 21, 2022

Yes. A postgraduate trainee (also known as a resident) can provide medical services and associated activities such as prescribing within the context of their approved training program. Supervising physicians do not need to co-sign a prescription from a postgraduate trainee.

Prescriptions should clearly identify the prescribing physician as a resident of their respective program and include their printed name, contact number (which can be the phone number for the residency program), signature and CPSA registration number to aid in prescriber identification.

For Type 1 TPP-monitored medications, trainees must obtain approval from their program to register with Alberta’s Tracked Prescription Program (TPP Alberta) and use a secure TPP prescription form. More information on how to register can be found at tppalberta.ca/register.

Registration confirmation (e.g., for verbal Type 1 TPP prescriptions) and other TPP-related questions can be emailed to TPP.info@cpsa.ab.ca, or call 1-800-561-3899 ext. 4939.