Accessing support in the community
We understand the complaints process can be a stressful experience and it is normal to feel overwhelmed. Our Support team is available if you have questions about filing a complaint or what to expect from the process.
If you need additional assistance, consider connecting with some of the community resources listed below.

Mental Help Line
The Alberta Health Services Mental Health Help Line at 1-877-303-2642 is available 24/7/365, offering confidential support and referrals to Albertans experiencing mental health issues or are in crisis.
Indigenous Support Line
First Nations, Métis and Inuit Peoples can connect with Alberta Health Services’ Indigenous listeners at 1-844-944-4744 to ask questions, request support and obtain help accessing culturally-appropriate care.
211 Referral Line
Call 211 24/7 to speak with a representative who can provide information and referrals for a wide range of community resources, such as affordable counselling, legal services and more.
Health Advocates Office
The health service system is complex and difficult to understand, particularly for those who are suffering, in pain and vulnerable. The Alberta Health Advocates and Mental Health advocates are available to assist with navigating the health care system, and helping connect Albertans with resources and programs.
Alberta Health Services Patient Relations
If you are unhappy with care provided in a Alberta Health Services hospital or facility, you can submit your concerns online, or speak with their Patient Relations team by calling 1-855-550-2555 (toll-free in Alberta).
Covenant Health Patient Relations
If you are unhappy with care provided in a Covenant Health hospital or facility, you can speak with their Patient Relations team by calling 1-877-295-6344 (toll-free in Alberta), or by emailing
Concerns with your health record
If you would like to request a change to your health records, or if you are concerned your privacy or personal health information has been compromised, reach out to the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Alberta (OIPC) for assistance.
Concerns with CPSA's complaints process
If you have a concern with CPSA’s complaints process or procedures, contact the Alberta Ombudsman.
Complaint FAQs
To see more FAQs about Complaints, click on All FAQs below and filter by "Complaints"
All FAQsHow do I file a complaint about a physician?
Anyone with concerns about the care provided by an Alberta physician can file a complaint with CPSA. We take a educational approach to complaints when appropriate, to help physicians learn from mistakes to improve their practices for all Albertans.]
Find out more about how to file a complaint.
Is there a time limit to file a complaint?
No, but filing a complaint sooner helps make the process more effective.
What are possible outcomes of a complaint investigation?
- The complaint may be dismissed if evidence does not support the complaint or there is insufficient evidence to proceed.
- With consent from the complainant, we may work with the physician to make necessary practice changes.
- The complaint may progress to a formal hearing, which can result in disciplinary action against the physician.
Find out more about what to expect from the complaints process.
What happens if my complaint is dismissed or the hearing tribunal finds my physician not guilty?
If your complaint is dismissed, or it progresses to a hearing but there is no finding of unprofessional conduct, funding under the Patient Relations Program will end either as of the date the complaint is dismissed, or the date on the Hearing Tribunal’s written decision (whichever is applicable).
Find out more about complaints related to sexual abuse or sexual misconduct.
Do I have to wait until the complaints process has concluded to access the Patient Relations Program?
No. You are eligible for funding and counselling as soon as you file your complaint.
Find out more about complaints related to sexual abuse or sexual misconduct.
Questions about filing a complaint?
Phone: 780-423-4764
Toll-free in Canada: 1-800-561-3899