CPSA’s website will be temporarily unavailable due to scheduled IT maintenance on Thursday, Feb. 6 from 7 to 10 p.m.

Troubleshooting for CPSA Online Accounts

As of Sept. 13, 2021, CPSA has combined users' CPSA online accounts so you only need one password to access all CPSA applications.

Frequently asked questions

See other FAQs for physicians & physician assistants.

All FAQs

Why is CPSA making this change?

This change will improve user experience for registered members by making it easier to access CPSA applications. Users will also be able to access multiple applications at once, which previously wasn’t an option.

I’m still unable to log in to my CPSA accounts. Who do I contact?

Use the contact box below to request further support from our team. We will respond to all inquiries within one business day.

Having issues accessing your account? Contact our team.

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