Health Professions Act
Medicine and other health professions are regulated in Alberta to ensure all health practitioners consistently provide safe, competent care.
The privilege of profession-led regulation (in our case, physicians regulating the practice of medicine) is granted to CPSA through the provincial government’s Health Professions Act (HPA).
Policies & Policy Statements
We have a number of policies that define the scope and responsibility of our Council, as well as the operations of specific program areas. We will also occasionally create shorter policy statements to share our direction on pressing issues with Albertans.
Governance and Funding
CPSA is governed by a Council that includes physicians, public members and representatives from Alberta’s medical schools. Funding is provided mainly through physician fees, although special projects may receive funding through various grant programs.

Our Council and programs are guided by a number of committees. Comprised of physicians, Albertans and other experts, committee members bring their knowledge and diverse points of view to everything we do.
Office of the Registrar
The Registrar manages CPSA’s daily operations with the support of a dynamic and experienced leadership team, who in turn lead our committed and talented staff. Find out more about our programs, our mission and values, and how we protect Albertans by guiding physician practice.
The CPSA Bylaws provide direction on our day-to-day operations, with guidelines related to Council, registration, communication and appeals (among others). The bylaws are updated and issued as needed—please check back often for the most up-to-date bylaws.