Jane Finnimore

I believe in the sanctity of life and that abortions should only be an option if the mother and child cannot complete the birthing process without loss of life. Euthanasia is out completely God created life and only He has the right to determine when that live ends. Physicians should not be mandated to do either of these procedures if it violates their truth and values. Mandating or forcing someone to go against their own personal beliefs can cause mental health issues, physicians quitting because they are not willing to go against the Hippocratic Oath, that they swore to uphold. Younger physicians can and will suffer mental health issues also unless they decide to have a heart of stone. Look at the veterans of war who suffer PSTD and other mental health issues because of their exposure to violence, death and sometimes torture. Let Dr's report to a local governing board who should set some boundaries but not write it into law.

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