A closer look at the pros & cons of what CPSA can do with the Building Fund Reserve
Post updated April 6, 2021 (*8.7 million is the fund amount as of Feb. 28, 2021)
Option #1: Use the fund for CPSA operations and reduce the physician annual fee in 2022.
Pros | Cons |
*Amount corrected on March 17, 2021. Previously listed as $700 which is the reduced amount. |
Option # 2: Keep the fund invested and wait for CPSA’s current building lease to expire in 2029. At that time, re-evaluate building or buying office space for CPSA, depending on the economic environment.
Pros | Cons |
Option #3: Use the money to fund programs, initiatives or research to benefit all physicians, and ultimately Albertans. CPSA would also seek partners to match and grow the amount.*
*Note: It is not yet determined how various partner(s) might be selected. This could be accomplished via a physician task force, by Council, or by other means.
Pros | Cons |
Option #4: A combination of the above.
Pros | Cons |
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