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Lend your knowledge to our Professional Conduct team

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October Messenger 2024 | Posted October 10, 2024
Read time: 2 minutes

Be an expert for CPSA!

CPSA’s Expert Review Program supports the Professional Conduct department in carrying out its obligations of fairness and transparency in the resolution of complaints. As part of our investigation process, experts review complaints and from their perspective as medical professionals, compare the care provided to the expected standard of care. This process is a critical component of self-regulation and participation is part of the accountability and responsibility we all have to the public.

How it works

The expert’s role is to review complaints to determine if the physician who is the subject of the complaint provided an acceptable standard of care. This work involves:

  • Reviewing the facts collected from the complainant and the physician.
  • Reviewing any supporting medical documentation.
  • Delineating the evidence and standards that inform the expected care.
  • Determining, in your opinion, whether or not the care met what was expected and if applicable, how much the care deviated from what was expected.

A review usually requires six-to-eight hours of time, which includes the completion of a report to CPSA. CPSA provides guidelines and support in completing this report and will be implementing an educational module to guide experts through the process in 2025.

CPSA values this work: experts receive an honorarium and peer review activities are eligible for continuing medical education credits. The identity of the expert is anonymous to the parties involved in the complaints process, unless the complaint is brought to a hearing when disclosure of information becomes important to fairness of process.

Did you know?

The assistance of experienced physicians in this peer review activity is essential to supporting the mission and integrity of CPSA’s complaints process. Decisions with an objective opinion based on professional expertise are more credible and fair to all parties involved.

Peer review is also an essential component of the privilege of self-regulation. CPSA depends on its regulated members to participate in this process to ensure a timely, fair and informed process.

Contact us

There are currently many opportunities for regulated members from across all specialties and in good standing with CPSA to act as experts.

We understand the heavy demands of practice. However, we hope you will consider participating, even on a single basis.

Please email with any questions or visit our website to find out more and apply for this opportunity!

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