
CPSA is responsible for making sure Alberta's physicians have the right training, knowledge and skills to give Albertans safe and effective medical care.

Physician registration

In Alberta, all physicians and medical learners must be registered with CPSA.

We register medical students, medical residents, physician extenders (Alberta medical residents offering semi-autonomous health care under a registered physician) and physicians.

Physicians wishing to offer telemedicine or temporary care in Alberta must also be registered with CPSA.

Registration updates

CPSA expands sponsorship opportunity

CPSA is pleased to announce an expansion of our sponsorship model to support continuous efforts in improving physician resources in Alberta. Sponsorship is a key step towards bringing international medical graduates (IMGs) into the province.

Route to registration for international medical graduates (IMGs) trained in approved jurisdictions

New (Nov. 2023): Approved jurisdictions expanded to include eligible specialties from the American Board of Medical Specialties

On Jan. 16, 2023, CPSA launched a 5-year pilot project to condense the Practice Readiness Assessment process for IMGs with training comparable to that obtained in Canadian universities, as identified by experts in postgraduate medical training. The goal of the pilot is to evaluate whether certain internationally trained physicians may begin independently practising in their identified communities faster, while still ensuring patient safety is the top priority.

Subspecialist Examination Affiliate Program accepted by CPSA

The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada grants affiliate status to physicians who have passed a Royal College subspecialty exam (Subspecialist Examination Affiliate Program, or SEAP). As of Jan. 22, 2024, CPSA accepts SEAP credentials towards licensure.

Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada (LMCC) update

The Medical Council of Canada (MCC) announced a new service to grant the LMCC to qualified candidates.

Apply for registration

Physicians register for practice in Alberta under different circumstances.

To start your application process, select the option below that best represents what you’re looking for:

Apply for independent practice

Apply for physician extender registration

Apply for limited practice registration

Apply for telemedicine registration

Apply for temporary activity registration

Apply for postgraduate training in Alberta

Apply for academic appointments

Apply for non-clinical registration

Registration policies

Our registration policies explain our assessment processes and outline eligibility requirements for our General Register, Provisional Register and Limited Practice Register.

English language proficiency

All physicians practising in Alberta need to be able to communicate clearly with their patients in English.

Unless exempt, you need to complete an academic version of an English Language Proficiency (ELP) test within 24 months before submitting your CPSA application.

Incorporate your medical practice

Many physicians set up professional corporations (PCs) for their medical practices for financial and legal reasons.

CPSA can’t provide legal advice, so we recommend you consult with a lawyer or accountant with expertise in incorporation before you set up a PC and register it with us.

Registration assessments

Before we give a physician an Alberta medical permit, we often need to assess them to make sure they have the right skills and can practise safely.

CPSA currently performs Practice Readiness Assessments (PRA-AB), Return-to-Practice Assessments, Change-in-Scope Assessments and Summative Assessments.

Therapeutics Decision Making Exam

IMGs in Family Medicine who aren’t eligible for independent practice on the CPSA General Register or do not have Recognized Training and Certification Outside Canada through the CFPC can join our Provisional Register through a different path, which involves Alberta Health Services’ sponsorship.

For these physicians, the Therapeutics Decision Making (TDM) exam is a prerequisite for this process. TDM is offered through the Medical Council of Canada (MCC) to review your clinical skills and knowledge to ensure you can practice at the level we expect of physicians in Canada.

Registration reviews

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of your registration application, you can have our decision on your practice permit reviewed by a three-person panel of CPSA Council.

This review process is overseen under Alberta’s Health Professions Act (HPA).

Interested in seeing live registration statistics?

These statistics are live numbers related to CPSA’s Registration & Assessments Program.

For other statistics, such as quarterly physician resource statistics and year-over-year Registration highlights, please refer to our Statistics page.

Registration FAQs

To see more FAQs about Registration, click on All FAQs and filter by "Registration"

All FAQs

When will CPSA review my file to transfer me from the Provisional Register to the General Register?

CPSA reviews your status every time you tell us about new certifications, or when you reach your five or six-year anniversary on the Provisional Register. We may ask you for information about your certifications at that time to help us determine if you are eligible for the General Register.

Where do I get a Certificate of Professional Conduct / Certificate of Standing?

You must obtain a Certificate of Professional Conduct / Certificate of Standing from all the jurisdictions in which you were registered and practising medicine. These documents come from a licensing body, not from a university.

What happens when my registration is complete?

Once CPSA receives all your documents, if you are eligible for registration, you will get a confirmation email with your new CPSA registration number. This is the identification we use for all our future interactions with you. We’ll also send you an email to let you know when your permit is available in our secure physician portal for you to access.

How often do I have to re-register?

You must renew your registration annually by Dec 31 each year in order to continue practising and to bill the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan. You renew your permit by filling in CPSA’s Renewal Information Form and paying annual fees.

If you have been out of practice for more than three years, you need to reapply.

Questions for our registration team?

Phone: 780-969-4924
Toll-free: 1-800-320-8624 (in Alberta)

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