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Message from your Council

Council, Latest News Archive, October Messenger 2019 | Posted October 10, 2019

Engagement and Elections         

This year I am thrilled that 24 of our colleagues have put their names forward for consideration of election to CPSA Council. On behalf of CPSA, I want to recognize their humility and dedication to our profession. As we enter the final week of voting in the 2019 Council Election, I would like to offer my personal perspective and insights on the election process from my own experience.

Everyone who stands for election has taken the time to ask themselves the following-or similar-questions to determine if they are prepared to rise to the challenge and commitment of sitting on Council:

Why do I want to run?

It is a universal reality that, to some degree or another, we all hold certain issues near and dear to our hearts. However, I would also like to think that each of us recognizes the privilege we have to be members of our profession. On a daily basis, when we interact with patients and families, members of the health team and learners, we have an expectation for both our own conduct and that of our colleagues. Without exception, when I speak to physicians who are interested in the CPSA, this dedication and ideal is readily apparent.

Do I have the time to serve on Council?

This is not as simple as it might first appear. There is the practical issue of stepping away from your practice. This means relying on colleagues to cover patient issues and emergencies. For many members, the logistics of travel must be sorted and time must be found to properly review relevant materials prior to meetings. Ultimately, precious personal time is sacrificed.

Am I a good candidate?

The final determination, at least in my own experience, is reconciling the desire to serve with the fear and anxiety of participating in an actual election. Many of the physicians I know struggle with self-promotion, as they tend to undervalue their own skills and experience. A common refrain is, “why would someone vote for me” or “what do I have to offer?” Despite the possibility of self-doubt, when I review the candidates’ biographies, I recognize with great excitement that CPSA will welcome some unique perspectives and accomplished individuals to Council in 2020.

As you prepare to cast your vote, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What issues matter most to you this election?
  • Who will best represent you on Council?
  • What does the future of CPSA look like to you and who will help achieve that vision?

With this in mind, I encourage you to get to know this year’s candidates, learn more about the Council Election process and, above all, VOTE!

John SJ Bradley, MD
CPSA Council President

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