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Practice permit of Dr. Barry Wollach cancelled after sexual assault conviction

Hearing Decisions, Media Release | Posted June 12, 2024

Edmonton, AB – A CPSA Hearing Tribunal has ordered the cancellation of the practice permit of anesthesiologist Dr. Barry Wollach, after he was criminally convicted in October 2019 of sexual assaultThe victim was not a patient, or professionally connected to Dr. Wollach.

Dr. Wollach has been out of practice since January 2019, when CPSA first learned of the criminal charges against him and requested his withdrawal from practice. CPSA waited to proceed with formal disciplinary action until Dr. Wollach had exhausted his options for appealing his criminal conviction. His application to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada was dismissed on Nov. 3, 2022.

In addition to the cancellation of his permit to practise medicine in Alberta, the Tribunal also ordered Dr. Wollach to pay a portion of the costs of the investigation and hearing, totalling $8,500.

CPSA Hearing Tribunal decision
CPSA media release (Jan. 15, 2019)

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