Albertans and physicians who have been impacted by ongoing wildfires in Jasper and in northern parts of Alberta can access information here. Resources will be updated as information is available.Find resources here

Monica Kryska

Did I ever anticipate that I would have to have conversations with my children: Do not kill me. Or with my own family doctor: "Do not ever refer me me for euthanasia, for I hereby and forever more vow that I would never under any circumstances allow someone to kill me for any reason. Even if in a state of paranoia or delusion, if I ever 'consent' to euthanasia you will know that I am insane, as I would never ever consent to that. Please record this in the medial files you keep". If Canada gets any worse and goes down this road I am seriously considering moving to another country. Canada has become a dangerous country for the disabled, elderly, the sick, the unemployed and even for our beloved veterans. What a shame. Physicians do not allow this to happen.

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