Albertans and physicians who have been impacted by ongoing wildfires in Jasper and in northern parts of Alberta can access information here. Resources will be updated as information is available.Find resources here

Eldon Siemens

Congratulations, you continue dehumanize the physician and make a mockery of the concept of conscientious objection. A physician must be free to recommend or make a case against a treatment, but this document forces them to promote what the College believes, not what they, as the professional, believe. The changes to this document appear to address the concerns of control the College has regarding abortion, euthanasia, sexual operations, and COVID response. "You cannot deviate from what we believe" is what you are saying. It likely impacts far more, but those are the underlying cultural shifts since 2016. What this document does is further restrict individual human rights, and as the CPSA is a single, monopolistic entity, there is no option, no freedom, to say "no". As such, I would like to recommend you trash this revision, find a conservative or libertarian to discuss this with for the next revision, and not the usual socialist party members, and come up with changes that protect the conscience rights of your members

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