Human Health Research

Standard of Practice

Under Review: No
Issued by Council (Health Human Research Ethics Review): September 1, 2012
Reissued by Council (Human Health Research): October 2015

  1. This standard applies to any regulated member involved in human health research as identified through a current and recognized screening tool1.
  2. A regulated member who intends to conduct human health research must comply with the Health Information Act including to submit a proposal for review by a research ethics board in the Province of Alberta. Such boards include:
    1. Health Research Ethics Board of Alberta (HREBA)
    2. Conjoint Health Research Ethics Board (CHREB), University of Calgary
    3. Health Research Ethics Board (HREB), University of Alberta
  3. A regulated member must have approval from a research ethics board before commencing  human health research.
  4. A regulated member participating in human health research must:
    1. ensure the welfare of any patient involved in the research study is the primary concern throughout the duration of the study;
    2. disclose to patients that the study has been reviewed by an ethics board and relevant conditions imposed;
    3. comply with the requirements of the research ethics board as it relates to initial and ongoing review of the research study; and
    4. disclose any potential or actual conflicts of interest to the research ethics board.

1. As of October 2015, the recommended tool is the ARECCI (A pRoject Ethics Community Consensus Initiative).

About the Standards of Practice

The CPSA Standards of Practice are the minimum standards of professional behaviour and ethical conduct expected of all physicians registered in Alberta. Standards of practice are enforceable under the Health Professions Act and will be referenced in the management of complaints and in discipline hearings.


For questions or archived standards, policies and guidelines contact our Standards of Practice Advisor.

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