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TPP-monitored drug forgeries and lost or stolen TPP prescription pads

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June Messenger 2024, Prescribing, TPP Alberta | Posted June 13, 2024
Read time: 2 minutes

Recent TPP Alberta data shows prescription forgeries for TPP-monitored drugs continue to be a concern, with most forgeries presented to pharmacies in Calgary, Edmonton and surrounding areas.

Oxycodone is by far the drug of choice when it comes to forgeries.

Illicitly procured TPP type 1 drugs such as opioids present hazards when dispensed and used without medical guidance. Additionally, a patient’s prescription history may be compromised if their identification is used in a forgery.

Healthcare providers have a professional and ethical responsibility to help prevent and address forgeries to support appropriate drug use, prevent drug diversion, maintain the integrity of the drug delivery system and lessen related public health risks.

Visit the TPP Alberta website for more information on forgeries, prescriber responsibilities and to find our online forgery reporting form. A previous MD Snapshot-Prescribing Companion on forgeries offers additional guidance.

Prevent forgeries and TPP prescription pad theft

  1. Never leave TPP forms or pads unattended in your office, exam room or in your vehicle (even if the vehicle is locked).
  2. As indicated in the TPP Alberta Program Guide, do not keep the prescriber’s copy of the secure form in the TPP pad. The copy should be affixed to the patient record (either physically or electronically). If the TPP prescription form has been scanned and electronically saved to the patient record, the original prescription should be destroyed. This will help protect patient confidentiality in case of lost or stolen pads, and negates the possible need for notice provision under the Health Information Act.
  3. If the prescriber copy cannot be scanned or physically attached to a patient file (e.g., in a hospital setting), the patient information remaining on the prescriber copy should be rendered non-identifiable.
  4. Report all lost or stolen TPP forms and pads to TPP Alberta and local law enforcement.
  5. Be accessible to pharmacy colleagues for prescription verification.
  6. When possible, provide prescriptions to pharmacies electronically via system-to-system mechanisms such as PrescribeIT or by fax (include a clinic fax coversheet and ensure fax resolution is sufficient for legibility).
  7. Consider contacting the patient’s pharmacy by phone to confirm a legitimate prescription for a TPP drug (or other drug prone to diversion) will be presented by the patient or their agent.
  8. Regularly check your prescribing history using the Netcare Pharmaceutical Information Network PIN), MD Snapshot-Prescribing or TPP Alberta reporting. (You can request your prescription history for TPP-monitored drugs at any time by emailing your request to
  9. Be aware of drugs commonly included in forged prescriptions. Collaborate with pharmacies and other prescribers in your vicinity regarding forgeries.
We have recently updated the TPP Alberta Program Guide, as well as our lists of monitored medications. Review them here:

Questions about forgeries, or general inquiries about prescribing? Email

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