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I would like to maintain a patient on OAT (methadone or SROM) for OUD. How do I receive OAT Maintenance Approval?

Posted June 4, 2020

1. You will receive a letter of support and an information checklist from the initiating prescriber asking you to take over care of the patient and maintain their OAT prescription.
2. CPSA will receive the same letter of support and will provide you with an OAT Maintenance Approval.
3. You will have six months to complete Modules 5 and 8 of the Alberta Virtual ODT Training Program online. Upon completion of the module, you will receive a certificate of completion from the course, which you can forward directly to to fulfil the educational requirement. No other documentation is required.

If you provide maintenance treatment for more than one patient, a letter of support from the initiating prescriber is required for each patient. You will receive notification from CPSA that you have approval for each patient.