Earl Campbell

In your draft standard of practice on informed consent, when you have changed your pronouns from "him/her" to "their" and then refer back to the possessive "patient's" you have placed the apostrophe between the "t" and the "s" whereas in the draft standard of practice on conscientious objection, you used the word "patients'", placing the apostrophe beyond the "s". I do not know which is correct because, in both cases, the passages refer to individuals thus the plural pronouns shouldn't be used. However, if we are going to use the plural pronouns instead of individual ones in the standards, there should at least be some consistency. On the issue of MAID, it needs to be pointed out that warnings were expressed when it was first implemented that it would quickly descend down a slippery slope towards expanded inclusion criteria. The powers at the time were adamant that it would not be expanded and these concerns were overblown and simply fear mongering. Looks like the objectors were correct after all. Just because it is legal, does not make it ethical. Doctors should push back against this legislation before it becomes law.

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