Dr. Heidi Fell

I am encouraged to see the loosening of some of the wording to accommodate reasonability and appropriateness which will make the standard more reflective of what actually happens in real life practice. One area that the AMA informatics committee physicians raised concerns about was the need to be aware of other jurisdictions' regulations when providing virtual care and the "must" language associated. This was felt to be extremely difficult in continuity of care situations, as you often just call the patient on their cell phone, and may not know where they are located for a quick call. Also, the relationship and continuity are felt to be more important than needing to sort out jurisdictional matters before providing care. It is recognized this may not be all in the CPSA purview, but if the CPSA could work to develop a common understanding about continuity of care situations virtually across the country, that would be immensely helpful.

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