Thinking about retiring? Here are some things to consider:
Re-entering medical practice after retirement
If you wish to re-enter medical practice after retirement, you may be eligible for re-registration if you have been inactive for 90 days or less. Otherwise, you will need to re-apply through CPSA’s Standard of Practice outlines expectations you must follow throughout this process.
Non-clinical registration
Planning to step away from your clinical practice but not sure if you want to retire? Physicians and physician assistants who have active practice permits but are not engaged in any clinical work for at least 6 consecutive months may qualify for CPSA’s non-clinical register.

Retirement checklist
Process for closing or leaving your medical practice
This checklist is meant to supplement the Closing or Leaving a Medical Practice standard and Advice to the Profession document. Additionally, not all items will apply to all physicians/practice situations.
First steps:
Read CPSA’s Closing or Leaving a Medical Practice Standard of Practice. It is important to review this standard in detail as there are many clauses that apply to retirement.
Read CPSA’s Advice to the Profession for further details that may be helpful.
Transfer of patient care:
Attempt to place patients under acute and/or active care with another healthcare provider.
Notify patients seen within the past year who have an expectation of ongoing care 90 days in advance of closing or leaving your practice.
Stop accepting referrals/new patients if the clinical matter cannot be resolved prior to closing or leaving your practice.
Arrange follow-up for any outstanding investigations, test results or reports with another healthcare provider.
Notify all healthcare providers to whom you regularly refer or from whom you regularly receive referrals, hospitals where you hold privileges, employers and the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan, if applicable, 90 days in advance of closing or leaving your practice.
Disposition of patient records and medical devices:
Ensure an Information Sharing Agreement (ISA) is in place if custodianship of patient records is not maintained (if you are considered an affiliate, an ISA is not required).
If considered the custodian of your patient records, ensure secure storage and disposition of patient records (if you are considered an affiliate, you are not required to make storage arrangements for patient records).
If not maintaining custodianship of your patient records (i.e., a colleague designated a custodian under the Health Information Regulation takes over custodianship of your records) or your patient records have been in the custody of another organization (i.e., WCB or hospital), submit a Custody of Patient Records Form.
Dispose of medications, equipment and supplies in a safe manner.
Provide CPSA with the following:
Submit the Notification of Change Form through your CPSA Portal at least 90 days prior to closing or leaving your medical practice. This form will collect all the information we need from you in advance of your retirement. The form can be found on the portal’s main landing page, embedded as a link in the header text.
Submit a Professional Corporation Information Form if applicable.
Return any unused TPP Alberta pads and submit the Pad Return Form.
Please void the pads with a strikethrough or other method and return them to us by regular or registered mail if you prefer to have tracking information so you know when we’ve received them. After we’ve received the pads, we will void them in our system and shred them.
Unused pads can be sent to:
Attn: TPP Alberta
2700 – 10020 100 Street NW
Edmonton, AB Canada T5J 0N3
Retirement FAQ
All FAQsCan I keep my Professional Corporation (PC) after I retire?
Physicians must be active on the CPSA register to maintain a Professional Corporation (PC) in Alberta. The PC will automatically close when the physician’s practice permit ends. We suggest contacting a lawyer/accountant before your PC ends. CPSA does not provide legal advice for PCs.
Can a physician re-enter medical practice without re-applying?
To be eligible for re-registration, a physician’s permit needs to have been inactive for 90 days or less. The physician must notify CPSA by emailing and indicate their intention to reactivate their permit.
After 90 days, a physician must re-apply in full by submitting a Review of Qualifications through
Does CPSA prorate member fees for physicians retiring part-way through the year?
If the physician retires prior to March 31st of the given year, CPSA will prorate the fee. However, the physician must advise CPSA of the retirement on or before the last day of February.
How can a retiring physician provide continuity of care to patients with opioid prescriptions?
If the retiring physician cannot find another provider to refer the patient, they can refer the patient to Alberta’s Virtual Opioid Dependency Program.
An additional resource for retiring physicians is the Alberta Health Services Opioid Use Disorder – Telephone Consultation, a province-wide e-consult service.
How does a physician notify CPSA if they're closing their practice or retiring?
You will need to log into your CPSA Portal and complete the “Notification of Change” form. The “Notification of Change” form can be found on the portal’s main landing page, embedded as a link in the header text. A notes section is included at the end of the form for you to add any additional information.
What does a physician need to do when they are retiring?
You will need to log into your CPSA Portal and complete the “Notification of Change” form. The “Notification of Change” form can be found on the portal’s main landing page, embedded as a link in the header text. A notes section is included at the end of the form for you to add any additional information.
Please make sure to review CPSA’s Closing or Leaving a Medical Practice Standard of Practice in detail as it contains many important clauses that apply to retirement.
CPSA also provides an Advice to the Profession document and a helpful Retirement Checklist to reference while closing or leaving a medical practice.
Retirement resources
All ResourcesPatient Record Retention
CPSA Click to view filesClosing or Leaving a Medical Practice
CPSA Click to view filesPhysician Checklist: Closing or Leaving a Medical Practice
CPSA Click to view filesTerminating the Physician-Patient Relationship
CPSA Click to view filesTransfer of Care
CPSA Click to view filesContinuity of Care
CPSA Click to view filesRe-Entering Medical Practice or Changing Scope of Practice
CPSA Click to view filesAdvice to the Profession
CPSA Click to view filesQuestions for our registration team about retirement?
Phone: 780-969-4924
Toll-free: 1-800-320-8624 (in Alberta)